I'm Kristen! - Ooooooo! OOooo! I wanna see some more! You rock :D  Apr 19, 2010, 8:13AM
Rory Mole - Hi there Stephanie, As always, your photography is stunning. I just love the way you use that shallow depth of field. Your exposures are all incredible well done here. Keep them coming.  Apr 19, 2010, 1:31AM
Lora Ayers - Stephanie, #1 babies face is priceless and what an adorable outfit with the blue shoes, #2 is beautiful..I jsut love the lighting and the girl leaning on the bike is adorable, #3 her glasses and heels are so stinkin' cute, and that wall!! :) I love your blog!  Apr 16, 2010, 9:46AM
becky g - Lovely light for your shot of Marissa!  Apr 15, 2010, 7:15PM
Jobrina Hofleit - OMGoodness!!! That face is so dang adorable!!!  Apr 15, 2010, 3:45PM
Bethany - I get to see that face 2 times a week! Corbyn is adorable!! :)  Apr 15, 2010, 2:17PM
s h e r r y - Super cute! :) Love his little cupcake! <3  Apr 15, 2010, 1:29PM